Baby Parsley Arrives

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Catch up!

Okay I will definitely have to get better at this! We have had a busy month and are trying to get going on some things that we need for the house as well as the baby. We have the crib, the bassinet, carseat, and stroller. ALso we got lucky and I found a lady on Craigslist that had twins boys and was selling her 0-3 month clothes really cheap so I made the purchase and we have clothes so that Bryce Timothy won't be naked.

We have started birth classes and will be done with them on January 13th, 1 1/2 months before my due date. So far the one class we have had has been very informational and hope it continues this way.

We are getting ready for the holidays here. We decorated the tree today and put up the decorations outside so we are all done, now we just need to get a dining room table so when my parents come for Christmas we have something to eat dinner at.

I have some pictures that we have taken of the baby room and I am posting them below.

Bab boy is going strong and very active. After my next appointment in a week I get to move to an appointment every two weeks. Yay!!! That means that we are getting closer and I can't wait.

 One wall right next to the window. The picture is his profile from his sonogram. It will be replaced with a family picture after he is here.
 Crib with his quilt over the back, we have the mattress now so it has made progress.
 Carseat, the stoller matches it I just don't have a picture.
Dormer window with a rocking chair that will eventaully be repainted to match the room.