Baby Parsley Arrives

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Catch up!

Okay I will definitely have to get better at this! We have had a busy month and are trying to get going on some things that we need for the house as well as the baby. We have the crib, the bassinet, carseat, and stroller. ALso we got lucky and I found a lady on Craigslist that had twins boys and was selling her 0-3 month clothes really cheap so I made the purchase and we have clothes so that Bryce Timothy won't be naked.

We have started birth classes and will be done with them on January 13th, 1 1/2 months before my due date. So far the one class we have had has been very informational and hope it continues this way.

We are getting ready for the holidays here. We decorated the tree today and put up the decorations outside so we are all done, now we just need to get a dining room table so when my parents come for Christmas we have something to eat dinner at.

I have some pictures that we have taken of the baby room and I am posting them below.

Bab boy is going strong and very active. After my next appointment in a week I get to move to an appointment every two weeks. Yay!!! That means that we are getting closer and I can't wait.

 One wall right next to the window. The picture is his profile from his sonogram. It will be replaced with a family picture after he is here.
 Crib with his quilt over the back, we have the mattress now so it has made progress.
 Carseat, the stoller matches it I just don't have a picture.
Dormer window with a rocking chair that will eventaully be repainted to match the room.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!

Well we went on Thursday for our anatomy ultra sound and were able to find out that it is a boy! He was very shy at first and did not want to show the goods. She was able to measure everything even though he was extremely active. Similar to what he is being now. She then had me go and use the restroom and have a talk with baby. I guess it was a good talk because I came back and he had moved. We are really excited and I have already been shopping. The nursery is starting to come along and I will post pictures of the progress. The ones today are from our ultra sound. 1 is a profile shot and the other two are the money shot as she put it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Another Week

Well another week down and many more to go! We took a trip up to Washington D.C. this weekend and spent all day at one of the Smithsonian Museums. It was a lot of fun, but also a really long day. Then on Sunday Jo cooked me a cheesecake for my is my favorite and I believe that Jo makes the best. 

Jo was gone all week last week for training in South Carolina. I was so happy when he got home! It is hard to get anything done when he is gone.  He will be home for a few weeks which is exciting because he will be here when we find out what the baby is.  Of course he is suppose to be gone the next week too.

I will try to get some pictures on here of the belly pretty soon. So far not any weight gain but there has been a rearrangement of what was already there to make room for baby.

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First Blog

Well I am going to try this and see how well I can keep up on the blogging for family and friends to be able to know what is happening in our family.

We found out in the last week of June that we would be moving to the area around Richmond, VA for Jo's job and were really excited but also a little apprehensive because we also suspected that we were expecting our first child. We were correct and are very excited.

For the first trimester I was actually very sick and throwing up multiple times a day. Boy was I glad when that ended. Certain things can still trigger it from time to time but I am mainly able to avoid the triggers. We had our first ultrasound in August to make sure that everything was progressing well and we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. That makes it seem so real and really excited us. I have in the past week started to fell little "Julio" or "Chiquita" (depending on the mood) start to move around. I cannot wait till Jo is able to feel this little one because it is so exciting.  We will be going on October 21, 2010 for our second ultrasound and to see if we can find out if it is a "Julio" or a "Chiquita".

Below are the first pictures of our Little one and of course there will be many more to come!!!