Baby Parsley Arrives

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, October 11, 2010

Another Week

Well another week down and many more to go! We took a trip up to Washington D.C. this weekend and spent all day at one of the Smithsonian Museums. It was a lot of fun, but also a really long day. Then on Sunday Jo cooked me a cheesecake for my is my favorite and I believe that Jo makes the best. 

Jo was gone all week last week for training in South Carolina. I was so happy when he got home! It is hard to get anything done when he is gone.  He will be home for a few weeks which is exciting because he will be here when we find out what the baby is.  Of course he is suppose to be gone the next week too.

I will try to get some pictures on here of the belly pretty soon. So far not any weight gain but there has been a rearrangement of what was already there to make room for baby.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see some belly pics! I kept a blog through my pregnancy with Claire not sure i sent it to you. Here is the link if you would like to take a peek.
    i need to get busy and update it
